Thursday 1 November 2012

Baba Farid

Baba Farid was born in 1173 or 1188 AD (584 Hijri) at Kothewal village, 10 km from Multan in the Punjab region of the Chauhan dynasty in what is now Pakistan, to Jamal-ud-din Suleiman and Maryam Bibi (Qarsum Bibi), daughter of Sheikh Wajih-ud-din Khojendi.[6] He was a descendant of the Farrukhzad, known as Jamal-ud-Dawlah, a Persian (Tajik) king of eastern Khorasan.[7]
He was the grandson of Sheikh Shu'aib, who was the grandson of Farrukh Shah Kabuli, the king of Kabul and Ghazna. When Farrukh Shah Kabuli was killed by the Mongol hordes invading Kabul, Farid’s grandfather, Shaykh Shu'aib, left Afghanistan and settled in the Punjab in 1125.[8]
Farid’s genealogy is a source of dispute, as some trace his ancestors back to al-Husayn while others trace his lineage back to the second Caliph Umar ibn Khattab. Baba Farid's ancestors came from Kufa, while Abdullah ibn Umar died during the Hajj and was buried in Makkah. The family tree of Baba Fareed traces through Abu Ishaq Ibrahim bin Adham, whose ancestors came from Kufa.
Fariduddin Ganjshakar was born in the city of Balkh. His nickname was Abu Ishaq. Khwajah Fudhail Bin Iyadh had conferred the mantle of Khilaafate to him. Besides being the Khalifah of Hadhrat Fudhail, he was also the Khalifah of Khwajah Imran Ibn Musa, Khwajah Imam Baqir, Khwajah Shaikh Mansur Salmi and Khwajah Uwais Qarni."[9]
Baba Farid received his early education at Multan, which had become a centre for education; it was here that he met his murshid (master), Qu?buddin Bakhtiyar Kaki, a noted Sufi saint, who was passing through Multan, from Baghdad on his way to Delhi.[7] Upon completing his education, Farid left for Sistan and Kandahar and went to Mecca for the Hajj pilgrimage at the age of 16.
Once his education was over, he shifted to Delhi, where he learned the doctrine of his master, Qu?buddin Bakhtiyar Kaki. He later moved to Hansi, Haryana.[4][10] When Qu?buddin Bakhtiyar Kaki died in 1235, Farid left Hansi and became his spiritual successor, but he settled in Ajodhan[11] (the present Pakpattan, Pakistan) instead of Delhi. On his way to Ajodhan,
while passing through Faridkot, he met the 20-year-old Nizamuddin, who went on to become his disciple, and later his successor (khalifah).
Baba Farid married Hazabara, daughter of Sul?an Nasiruddin Ma?mud. The great Arab traveller Ibn Ba?u?ah visited him. He says that he was the spiritual guide of the King of India, and that the King had given him the village of Ajodhan. He also met Baba Farid's two sons. His shrine (darbar) is in Pakpattan
Baba Farid's descendants, also known as Fareedi, Fareedies and Faridy, mostly carry the name Faruqi, and can be found in Pakistan, India and the diaspora. His descendants include the Sufi saint Salim Chishti, whose daughter was Emperor Jehangir's foster mother. Their descendants settled in Sheikhupur, Badaun and the remains of a fort they built can still be found.


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